treehouse_luci wrote in spn_treehouse Sep 25, 2011 23:06
lucifer is a tricky trickster, sam is a demon magnet, lucifer is a bamf
th_sam wrote in spn_treehouse Oct 13, 2010 14:08
strippers sammy strippers, jess is a bamf, jess is a awesome wife, spoilers 6x03, jess is hot, sam is a bamf, sam is a working man, jess is beautiful, sam is really hot, lilith is fucking hot, sam is a good husband, deal with it uriel, lilith is a bamf, sam is a demon magnet
queen_insane wrote in spn_treehouse Jun 02, 2010 18:21
sam is a demon magnet, omgwtfbbq, what the fuck, what the actual fuck, sam